Estate planning can be tricky, which is why many people turn to attorneys to get the job done right.
August 7, 2019
If you’re a father, there’s a good chance you help manage your household’s finances and you may even play the dominant role. This may work well now, but what if something were to happen to you? Would your family be financially okay?
The word ‘estate’ conjures images of great wealth, which may be one of the reasons why so many people don’t develop estate plans—after all, they’re not rich, so why make the effort? In reality, however, if you have a family, you can probably benefit from estate planning, whatever your asset level.
July 22, 2019
The key to avoiding bitter conflict among heirs, is to have candid discussions well before the reading of the will.
Leaving a legacy — sounds like something only wealthy people can do, right? It can be something like making a giant bequest to a university or passing on a significant estate to your children.
July 16, 2019
Arizona law allows funeral home owners to act as both executors and creditors of an estate.
Do not put off finalizing and signing your estate planning documents, just because you have reached an impasse on who to name as trustee.
July 3, 2019
Parents’ instincts to protect their children can cause them to hold back on some important truth-telling about the kind of inheritance they might expect, but that could be a big mistake.
It’s important to have certain binding legal documents in place, if you become disabled due to an illness or accident. These aren’t easy things to talk about, but attorneys say every adult needs them.
May 21, 2019
Trusts are one of the most versatile items of the financial planning toolkit. However, they are not just for rich people. With the new higher estate tax exemptions, avoiding or reducing estate tax is not a concern for most of us.