Anyone with a child with special needs understands the need to prepare for the future. A trust is always a good place to start, and figuring out a savings goal for that trust is a key part to your planning.
August 9, 2019
Transfer on death (TOD) accounts can keep your estate planning intact, while keeping your beneficiaries out of court. If you’re among the 57% of adults who don’t currently have a will or trust, your family is likely headed to probate court.
When a loved one dies leaving property, debts and a mortgage, and if he did not have a living trust, probate is required to sort everything out.
July 8, 2019
Few of us plan our legacy for when we’ve died and how we’ll live on in the lives of others.
While it’s common advice that retirees should avoid borrowing if possible, situations could arise when it will be necessary. Where to turn?
June 6, 2019
As it turns out, though, living wills and durable power of attorney for healthcare are two things that single people might especially want to give some thought to.
Planning to hand off significant assets, especially a business, to the next generation is a financial decision. However, it is one that also requires the careful handling of a family’s internal dynamics.
May 9, 2019
Gifting can be done for other reasons during life or as bequests at death. The reasons for doing so could be to accomplish non-tax or tax goals.
The trust has a no-contest clause and a lawyer my brother consulted with said that the risk is too great for the return.
April 24, 2019
As the next generation buys out, is gifted, or inherits the farm, what are frequent sticking points that arise?